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Breathalyzer Could Replace “Finger Stick” for Glucose Monitoring

By: Tags: blood sugar monitoring diabetic foot ulcer Foot Clinic California glucose monitoring

For decades, breathalyzers have been used to detect alcohol blood content in drunk driving cases. Now, researchers from Western New England University have adapted the technology to monitor blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes. About the size of a small book, the new device could eventually replace the traditional finger-stick method as a simple, portable way to monitor glucose levels throughout the day. The device works by evaluating the amount of acetone in exhaled breath. Acetone is a chemical that’s long been used as a supplementary tool for monitoring blood sugar levels in people with type 1 diabetes. Device…


Diabetic Foot Pain, Ulcers Linked With Early Death, Study Finds

By: Tags: diabetic foot complications Foot Ulcer foot ulcer treatment risks of foot ulcers

Traditionally, heart health has been a major predictor of mortality rates in patients with diabetes. But a recent study suggests diabetes-related foot diseases may provide a more accurate measurement for many patients. Presented at a recent meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), the study found patients with severe foot pathology, including diabetic foot pain and diabetic ulcers, were four times more likely to die during the study’s five-year period compared to those with cardiovascular risk factors, suggesting foot pathology plays a far more critical role in survival rates than previously thought. Foot Ulcers and Mortality…


Diabetic foot ulcers are found to be linked to early death.

Study Shows Women with Type 2 Diabetes Have a Greater Risk of Fractures

By: Tags: diabetic foot ulcer Foot Clinic California foot ulcer treatment type 2 diabetes woman diabetes risk

Women who have had type 2 diabetes for a decade or more have a new medical risk to worry about: an increased risk of major fractures, including hip fractures. That’s according to the results of a study conducted by Canadian researchers who reviewed the medical records of women enrolled in the Manitoba Bone Density Program – a medical registry that assesses and tracks osteoporosis and other health conditions in women throughout the region. Researches noted that the risk for fractures was significantly increased, even when accounting for other factors like other existing diseases, use of insulin and osteoporosis medications. Of…


Patients with type 2 diabetes are proned to bone fractures.

Scare Off Diabetic Foot Ulcers This Halloween

By: Dr. Felix Sigal Tags: diabetic foot complications diabetic foot ulcer Foot and ankle clinic Los Angeles treating diabetic foot ulcers

Halloween is a time for passing out loads of candy to the hordes of trick-or-treaters that haunt the streets after dark, but for the millions of people with diabetic foot ulcers, the holiday can be a painful reminder of the pain they deal with on a daily basis. Of course, managing diabetes means staying away from sugar-filled treats, and for those with foot pain, numbness or ulcers, accompanying kids or grandkids on their rounds of neighborhood houses may be out of the question. The good news is, there are new, effective treatment options for men and women with diabetic foot…


Stem Cells Offer Hope for Diabetic Foot Ulcer Treatment

By: Dr. Felix Sigal Tags: diabetic foot ulcer Foot Ulcer foot ulcer treatment

Diabetic foot ulcers are a serious complication of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and each year in the U.S., about 80,000 patients will undergo lower limb amputations as a result of these slow-to-heal sores. Now a new study from researchers at Tufts University and Harvard University in Boston suggests a potential new approach to treating foot ulcers in diabetic patients using small samples of cells from the patients themselves. From Stem Cells to Autologous Grafts The aim of the study was to learn if samples removed from the foot ulcers of diabetic patients could be “reprogrammed” as induced…


Foot ulcer in diabetic patients.
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